Welcome to Holy Week
This is the kick off of Holy Week. Together we remember, recount, and lean heavily on the historic events of Jesus’ passion week. Today is Palm Sunday, the day of the year we recall Christ’s triumphal entrance into Jerusalem.
The week begins with praise, adulation and triumph but quickly shifts to utter despair, confusion, state sanctioned murder and loss. There is a culminating moment on Easter Sunday, but we aren’t there yet. Let us all begin our journey through Holy Week. Let us worship.
Call to Worship
The streets were crowded.
A parade mood filled the air.
Shouts came from deep in the heart.
Hosanna. Save us.
Save us from lukewarm faith.
Hosanna. Save us.
Save us from callous indifference.
Hosanna. Save us.
Save us from paltry hopes and petty dreams.
Hosanna. Save us.
Save us from unquenchable greed.
Hosanna. Save us.
Save us from lazy habits and faithless commitments.
Hosanna. Save us.
Save us from soft-mindedness and hard-heartedness.
Hosanna. Save us.
We cry from the depth of our hearts and the very pit of our souls.
Hosanna. Save us. Save us now.
By John Van de Laar
Scripture Reading – Mark 11:1-11
When they were approaching Jerusalem, at Bethphage and Bethany, near the Mount of Olives, he sent two of his disciples 2 and said to them, “Go into the village ahead of you, and immediately as you enter it, you will find tied there a colt that has never been ridden; untie it and bring it. 3 If anyone says to you, ‘Why are you doing this?’ just say this, ‘The Lord needs it and will send it back here immediately.’” 4 They went away and found a colt tied near a door, outside in the street. As they were untying it, 5 some of the bystanders said to them, “What are you doing, untying the colt?” 6 They told them what Jesus had said; and they allowed them to take it. 7 Then they brought the colt to Jesus and threw their cloaks on it; and he sat on it. 8 Many people spread their cloaks on the road, and others spread leafy branches that they had cut in the fields. 9 Then those who went ahead and those who followed were shouting,
Blessed is the one who comes in the name of the Lord!
10 Blessed is the coming kingdom of our ancestor David!
Hosanna in the highest heaven!”
11 Then he entered Jerusalem and went into the temple; and when he had looked around at everything, as it was already late, he went out to Bethany with the twelve.
This Holy Week feels awfully different from those of the past. We don’t get to gather. We don’t get to waive palm branches or hear our children sing. We will miss out on our Maundy Thursday service, Good Friday service, Holy Saturday service, and Easter too will be different. We normally have a carnival, wear our best clothing, and share meals with beloved family and friends. If I am being completely honest, I don’t know if I’ll even get out of my pajamas on Easter.
Rachel Held Evans, God rest her soul, wrote a lovely reflection on the imperfections of Holy Week. Might her words bring peace and meaning to us in our isolation.
Rachel writes:
“Holy Week wasn’t perfect for the disciples. They betrayed, ran away, lied, despaired, and doubted.
Holy Week wasn’t perfect for Jesus. He wept. He wondered if there was another way. He experienced the same agony and isolation that inspired the poet David to ask, “My God, my God. Why have you forsaken me?”
Holy Week isn’t perfect for the Church. It comes amid scandal, division, persecution, and complacency.
Holy Week isn’t perfect for God, as he looks down upon the messes we have made, the stupid wars that we wage, and the imperfect representation of His son that we clumsily project to the world.
For most of us, holy week isn’t so holy. In fact, it’s more like the unholy mess spread across my kitchen table on a cold and rainy Palm Sunday afternoon.
But maybe that’s how it’s supposed to be. Maybe Holy Week isn’t about perfection maintained, but about imperfection restored—an execution device transformed into a symbol of pardon, three denials transformed into three declarations of love, a tomb transformed into the birthplace of hope.”
Spend the following moments reflecting on Holy Week. How is this year different?
How is it the same?
What has you shouting “Hosanna!” from the depth of your soul?
What betrays your allegiance to Christ?
How do you fear you may be letting Christ down?
What do you want Jesus to redeem in your life?
If you are in a group, spend some time sharing your reflections.
Prayer of Adoration and Confession
By David Lunan
Lord Jesus Christ, we welcome you,
our Lord and our Saviour, our Servant and Friend.
We welcome you to this place, where your people have gathered.
We welcome you to our worship, we welcome you to our lives.
Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord.
Blessed art thou Redeemer King,
for you reign sovereign in our hearts.
Hosanna in the highest. Blessed art though
O saviour of the world,
for you have saved us from ourselves,
giving yourself for us in love.
We greet you that we might learn of you,
we learn of you that we might love you.
Yet our love is lukewarm so quickly;
we forget you so easily;
we disown you so readily.
We are changeable in our devotion to you,
bending with the strongest wind, blown off course,
capitulating to our culture.
Lord have mercy.
We want you to help us, without our helping you;
we want your words of comfort, but not your words of rebuke.
Lord have mercy.
We want you to be nice, even if we are not.
We seek heaven hereafter, but worldliness now.
Christ have mercy, and grant us your peace.
Lord save us from our fickleness;
help us to stay the course, to stay with you,
to stand with you, and for you, and beside you.
Grant us your grace to overcome our sin,
grant us your Holy Spirit to enable us to follow you, Lord Jesus,
to have your compassion, your courage, your obedience;
that we might be strong enough to forgive others,
to love our neighbours, to strive for justice, to endure the cross,
and to conquer all things with love.
Help us o Father, to open ourselves to receive your Spirit,
and to walk with your Son;
that even we might be blessed in the name of the Lord;
that even we might sing, now and forever,
‘Hosanna in the highest!’
Hear this our prayer o God,
through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen
This is the first Sunday in Covid19 isolation that we celebrate the gift of bread and wine. You are free to partake in the simple elements in your home. Whether alone or with others, share in the meal knowing that the very presence of Jesus is with you.
We have created a short video to watch in preparation for for the holy mystery of communion.
By Joanna Harader
thank you, David. I am much blest by this worship in my home. And thanks, too, to Merideth who, do doubt, had a hand in arranging the technology.
Not the ideal way to kick off Holy Week, but Jesus is king and worthy of our praises. Now is no exception!
Thank you, David, for doing this Communion, Palm Sunday service. Thank you for keeping us together in this time of isolation.
May God continue to bless your work.
It takes a team; thanks to Eleana, Torren, and Merideth for all the website, tech support, and communication professionalism!
Thank you for this beautiful beginning to Holy Week. We have all experienced a very unusual “mandatory” Lenten season this year. God has been with me as I am sure He has with my Emmanuel family. We are certainly on a Pilgrim journey, learning to trust Him more each day.
I a so glad that God meets us in the “unusual” – he never fails.
Thank you for again leading us in worship. May God bless our congregation, families, and communities with health and fellowship, even at a distance.
Good to hear from you Bill. Stay safe!
Such a wonderful Palm Sunday service. Thank you for communion. Blessings to you and yours.
Thanks Melodee!
I looked in vain, early, for an appropriate church service on TV. At 9 am Joel Osteen cam on but I preferred this. welcome connection with my church.
Thanks a lot.
Gonna make some beer biscuits and open a special bottle of wine.
Richard Buckner, Ph.D.
Sounds like great communion elements!
Thank you David, it is a bittersweet day indeed but lovely to celebrate with each other in a virtual way. The Palm Sunday
message is especially powerful today. Emmanuel is not a building, we are Emmanuel no matter where we are!
” God has a plan” May we all be safe and healthy!
On behalf of the Randolph family, thank and bless you all. My mother and I were going through the service and it dawned on us that my father gets to be up there with a front row seat for Holy Week! How miraculous! Thank you, Emmanuel family, for your continued prayers and love.
Prayers for you and yours Wes. Front row seat indeed!
Thank you David for your faithfulness to us, especially at this time. I am grateful that we can continue to worship in this way as you Shepherd us.
We began the at-home service without high expectations; we miss being in worship all together.
As we read through and considered the meditation prompts, we both were surprised at our deep appreciation for this Holy Week.
Thank you David, for your leadership during this most unusual time.
Don and MaryJane
Thank you, David! We appreciate all that you did to bring us together in this virtual setting. Blessings to you and your family!
David – Thank you for the beautiful Palm Sunday sermon and communion message. I had a little Manischewitz with wheat thin cracker.
Blessings to everyone as we participate in Holy Week.
Thank you David, for this very meaningful service. Andrew and I did it together and had a wonderful discussion. We are not alone in our perceived isolation. God is always with us, and we are connected by the Spirit with our church family. It means a lot to me to know that we are all worshiping together in this way.
Blessings to you and your family, and to my Emmanuel family.
Thank you, David for this meaningful service. While we certainly miss being together with everyone, doing church at home in this format has prompted lots of good discussion. Thanks for your leadership. You’re in our prayers!
I miss the seeing, hearing, and touching of our fellowship, but I love the thoughts and comments you presented Dave, augmented by the communication saints of our fellowship. I really appreciate the comments of all who shared this way. That is an intimacy that sometimes I miss out on when we get together. Thanks all!