In October 2017 an envelope was found in the Prison Ministry mailbox. Addressed to  Emmanuel Presbyterian Church, it had been opened to determine the contents.


An inmate, pictured here, was simply asking Emmanuel to send him postage stamps.


At that time, he needed to write letters to those he harmed as part of the AA 12 Step Program.


Having lived with relatives in the Conejo Valley in his younger years, he knew of Emmanuel.


Prison Ministry immediately responded with a sheet of stamps.


An exchanging of letters began with a member of the Prison Ministry.


The inmate shared his work with teenagers at risk on the “outside”.  His outreach was mentioned to members of Emmanuel who sent him stamps so he could continue to write letters.


The following letter was received by an Emmanuel family who gave permission to print it:


I received your note and (20) postage stamps. I feel blessed by the support I receive. Not being sure of how much has been shared with you about how I use these, let me assure, they will help. I am amazed at how a simple postage stamp can be the one thing that carries a message of hope to a youngster in dire need of emotional support. Thru a mediary, I write to several teens who are living on the streets, homeless, and fighting addiction. If my letter helps them to stay clean just one more day, then I have done my part. I don’t wish them to head down the same road I took, which would land them where I am. The problem is much bigger than people think. You drive past these kids every day and don’t know it. My heart is filled with gratitude by your gesture. Thank you for helping me. God bless you.


Prison Ministry invites you to provide stamps for Robert.


You may send the stamps directly to him. Please always state that stamps are enclosed and specify the quantity. The maximum allowed per letter is 40.

You may also bring them to the church office or give them to Bob Fitch, a Prison Ministry member at Emmanuel who will mail to him.

Bob can be reached at (805) 495-3272 or


Robert is our brother in Christ.


Robert Raymond
GO 3336
VSP/ D1-3-4 UP
P O Box 92
Chowchilla, CA 93610


Thank you Bob Fitch for providing this article.