Just the other day, we got emails about our boys and the approaching little league season. The managers set out the schedule, practices routines, expectations for parent volunteering and so forth and so on.


I started to add the practices to our calendar and quickly saw how full our schedule was. I’ll be honest, I started to fret and get anxious. I was overwhelmed. Don’t get me wrong, I love little league and I love watching my kids play. But, there is a hectic and often frantic chauffer puzzle to solve in day to day transporting children to where they need to be. I am sure many of you can relate!


It is easy to slip into anxiety.


It doesn’t take much for me to begin to worry. Before I received the emails about little league, I had spent nearly 5 hours enjoying nature at one of our new local parks. I went from complete relaxation to worry in just moments.



We are so fortunate to live here. Thousand Oaks is home to some incredible recreational spaces. Over Christmas break, and several long weekends, Becky and I took the kids outdoors to explore the newest park and trails in town.


Sapwi Trails Community Park


If you haven’t been yet, check it out! There are moderate walking trails. There is a 19-hole disc golf course. There is a BMX bike pump park for kids and adults to ride. There is a state of the art playground, grills, picnic tables, and scenic views.


I spent yesterday morning with my boys at the bike track. It was a blast!


After a couple hours riding bikes, Becky took the boys home and I had a relaxing time playing disc golf with a dear friend.


In the evening, you can hear the frogs croaking. If you’re fast enough you can catch one and impress the kids! There is greenery sprouting up everywhere from the rains. It is truly a beautiful place to spend time.



So why write about the newest park in town?


This place has become a sacred space for me. It is a place for my children to experience the splendor and glory of God’s creation. It is a place for me to bond with friends and family under the umbrella of God’s good gifts. It is a place for me to check my anxiety. The lilies aren’t worried. The croaking frogs aren’t concerned about the busyness of their day. Nature has a way of connecting us to God and putting our daily worries in check.


I hope you have places that remind you of God’s provision.


I hope there are places and people in your life that are restorative to your soul.


If you are able, I encourage you to get away to the Sapwi trails, the beach, Wildwood Park, a local picnic bench, or a walk around your home to simply enjoy what God has provided around you.


Breathe in the fresh air. Give God thanks. Let God handle your daily concerns.


See you on the disc golf course and at the little league fields!


One Response

  1. Thank you, David. I too love our new park and so does our new dog, Roo. Let me know if I can help with driving the boys to baseball.