What did you underline in your life this week?
What was underscored? What movie were you watching and you said to yourself, “I need to remember that line”? Did you listen to a podcast or a speaker and say – “That was a good point”? Did you say to yourself, “I have to remember what this feels like” when you lost the first 5 pounds on a diet? What was the YouTube video that you shared?
Maybe you simply saw something that gave you an idea of what you’d like to do.
These are all important things to pay attention to. They got your attention and ‘made you look!’ or it made you stop and consider or reconsider. Or it simply enlightened you.
God uses all these instances, and may well be in them.
How would you know? One of the passages in the Bible that I underlined as a teenager (yes, I still have that Bible with the cobalt explosive stain someone thought would be fun to explode in it when I wasn’t watching!) is from Paul’s letter to the church in Galatia (modern central Turkey). In the 5th chapter, verses 22-23 it says,
The more I consider these things and how they intersect with my life (positively and negatively!) I do believe that wherever these qualities show up, Jesus is in the mix! I don’t believe it is the exclusive territory of Christians.
I do believe that God is active in the whole world, that our division of things into sacred and secular is a false division. I do believe that if you have experienced a tiny fragment of the “fruit of the Spirit” that you not only have experienced the God who made all things, but you have something of the good news of Jesus to share with others and that you have it in common with others.
So where are these qualities showing up in your life?
Where is there joy in your everyday walking around life? When you identify it, explore it. A friend of mine would suggest that I marinade in it. Let that joy completely surround and envelop me. That way it can have a deepening effect on my life and perspective. I don’t need to recreate that joyous moment – that is a futile exercise. But once I recognize it in my life I can savor it and receive it and give thanks for it. It can lift me up out of a bad day or week or life.
Peace, patience, love, kindness, generosity, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control along with joy are not the litmus test of a life lived well. These characteristics happen to us not just through us. We are receiving these acts all day long. It is as though God is constantly peppering us with the Spirit, hoping something of his Spirit will stick in our hearts and minds.
Take a moment and ask: “Where am I experiencing ________________ (fill in the blank with any of the fruit of the Spirit words)?”
Thanks! I will ask all the women in MOTS to read your article before we start the examen on Wed.
What a great post. If I were to underline something from your post it would be that “our division of things into sacred and secular is a false division”. This helps me to open my eyes and appreciate everything. Those moments you mention are called “Kairos” times as I heard on a women’s retreat years ago. It is great to treasure these moments. Last week running in one of our local parks, I came upon some daffodils just growing in the wild on the side of the path. These lovely flowers brought back a lot of memories of spring as they are indeed portenders of coming days of warmth and light!
Thanks Craig. Good points.
I found a placque this week that just seemed to fit our family and I had to buy it.
Glad you are looking at the examen. It’s a great resource!
Glad you are looking at the examen. It’s a great resource!
Thanks Carol. Indeed those Kairos moments are much the same.
You’ll have to tell me what the placque said!
starting a new mens book study, watching or new puppy pounce on ice cubes (and watching my boys laugh as they watch her), watching the seattle weather continue to roll in over the greenest hills we’ve seen here in years (and knowing that more is on the way), reflecting on the sermon on the mount series, watching the session come together to tackle important issues of transition, relishing the worship sets, listening to the Rob cast, reviewing my notes from a recent rob bell seminar that was enlightening….. the list goes on and on and on and…….
The placque says FAMILY–a little bit of crazy–a little bit of loud–and a whole lot of love.
Two of my favorite verses are: Ye shall know the truth and the truth shall make you free. John 8:32
I am come that you may have abundant life. John 10:10
And another one–Be of good cheer I have overcome the world. John 16: 33
I also love the vine and the branches.
Great is they faithfulness is a favorite hymn.
I also love the new one by Andrew Peterson.
I have a long list of favorite verses and favorite hymns.