In the Gospel of John there are several “I am” sayings of Jesus. These are sayings where Jesus declares something about himself. He said, “I am the light of the world!” “I am the bread of life!” “I am the resurrection and the life!” These and a few others represent what he said about himself.


I’d like to focus on “I am the Way.”


When Jesus said this in John 14:6, he was responding to a question by Thomas, one of the twelve disciples. Jesus had reassured them that where he was going, they would join him there. Thomas responded, “Lord, we do not know where you are going. How can we know the way?” That is when Jesus said he was the Way, the Truth and the Life and that “no one comes to the Father except through me.”


This is something that most Christians will affirm a foundation of their faith. We all assert Jesus as the Way, the Truth, the Life. But how do you know you are “in the Way of Jesus?” Especially, how do you know the way of Jesus when the signs along the road appear confusing, or contradictory, or foreign to you? How do you know the way when you have lost your way and feel distant from God, from Jesus, from things Christian?


The earliest believers in Jesus were called “Followers of the Way”. They were not called “Christians” until much later. What were the characteristics of that following?


First, they believed in following the words of Jesus.


They were not sophisticated in doctrine, so they didn’t believe in statements about Jesus, they got up like Peter and the others, and followed in the path Jesus walked.


They lived generously.


They spoke with humility.


They moved to the margins of society to heal and comfort the afflicted.


They ushered people in to new life, they didn’t keep them from it.


In following Jesus’ words, they turned the other cheek, they sold what they had and gave to the poor, they healed the sick, they forgave seventy times seven. It is why we read the Bible, to hear from Jesus his way of doing things. To also observe his way of doing things so we might follow in his steps. This is the definition of discipleship.


Secondly Jesus way is marked by his character.


You know Jesus way when the marks of his Spirit are present: Love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, generosity, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control. (Galatians 5:22) If these things are present along the way, trust them. Test their honesty and reality – make sure the humility isn’t feigned or that love isn’t conditional, or generosity merely the appearance of. Once you know that you can go in any direction they lead you and you will be in Jesus’ way. His way is marked by his character.


Third, Jesus way is marked by hope and grace.


Sometimes, it is all we can do, to see light at the end of life’s tunnel. Things can seem bleak. I try to see where there is hopefulness; or where there is liveliness or life itself. This is where God is at work. Follow the hope. Don’t be deceived by believing that cynicism is realism. What is real comes from God and it has the character of Jesus all over it.


I suppose it is important to say the opposite of what I’ve written already.


Don’t listen to gossip, or help it along. Jesus isn’t in it. Jesus is not despairing, he is hopeful. Envy, according to Galatians 5:26 doesn’t come from the spirit. Running people down is not Jesus way. You don’t lift yourself up by putting other people down – Jesus does the lifting up. Conceit is antithetical to the Spirit of Jesus. Bullying is wrong, both in school and in life.


Maybe all of this is a big duh to you. But I find that I lose my way easily enough and the fruit and character of the Spirit of Jesus is often replaced by the antithesis.


Put the character of Jesus to the test. Live out the words he says.


This last week, David Anderson suggested we read some others who are voices from the uncomfortable edges of our society. Part of his message was that before reconciliation can be real, we must first hear from those we are estranged from. This is a way to put Jesus’ words into action.


Look for the character of the Spirit out on the margins and you’ll find Jesus and his Way.

3 Responses

  1. Great blog! Such a good reminder of Christ’s simple truths. I have been reading Henri Nouwen every morning and he also reinforces living humbly and ministering to the poor and those who are marginalized in our society.