Our Current Mask Policy

Masks for indoor worship and small groups are now optional for those that are fully vaccinated. We are still requiring non-vaccinated adults and children over 2 to wear masks indoors and outdoors.

Matthias Chosen to Replace Judas

This week we explore the luminal space between Jesus’ Ascension and Pentecost. What do the disciples do now that Jesus has departed? They pray, make sense of their new duties and figure out how best to address replacing Judas.

The Ascension of Jesus

This Sunday, we look at a passage from Acts chapter 1 that tells us of Jesus’ ascension. We will explore Acts as we anticipate the celebration of Pentecost on May 23rd.

Jesus and Peter

This week one of our current ruling elders, Pippa Philips, powerfully preaches from John 21:15-19. Pippa is such a gift to our congregation at Emmanuel.

Doubting Thomas

This week we welcome Steve Bagdanov who will continue our series in the Gospel of John.

Good Friday

On this Good Friday, may we sit at the foot of the cross and remember Jesus’ loving death.