The last Sunday of each month is when we get our kids’ Sunday School classes together for a Prayer and Worship day.


Stacy McClamma takes the day off from singing in the adult worship service and comes to lead our kids in singing and dancing and worshiping God together in the Fireside Room, then we break up into small groups to participate in different activities we like to call Prayer Stations. Since we can’t meet all together, here are some ways you can have a prayer and worship time at home:


Start with a silly song:


Divide into two groups—one group stands up only for “Praise ye the Lord” the other group stands only for “Hallelu.” Be sure to laugh together!



Then have someone read this:


So many things have changed in the past couple of weeks, and we’ve all had to give up things that we love to do. That can make us sad or even mad. But God will not change! He forgives us when we mess up. He loves us and is with us all the time! He is like a lighthouse that shines for us no matter what happens.


Watch and listen to this song:



Talk about:


What did this song say about God?


Have someone read this prayer or pray in their own words:


Dear God, thank You that we can always trust You to see us through difficult times.


Quick! Everyone find something to use as a drum!


Then play and sing along with “My Lighthouse” again (lyric video):





Make a video of your family singing and playing along with the song and then post it in the EPC to Community Facebook group. Click HERE to join or access that page.

Then try one or more of these prayer stations:

Illustrated Song:


Draw a picture of what you think of God being your lighthouse, being the peace in a troubled sea, or carrying you safe to shore. Thank God for who He is.

Lego Challenge:


Build a lighthouse and add Lego people around it. Talk about people God is helping and protecting, including doctors and nurses and people who are sick. Pray for each person you think about.

People Chain:


Cut paper into strips. On each strip, write the name of a person you miss being with. Tape, glue, or staple the strips together to make a chain. How long can you make your chain? Take turns praying for the names on your chain.

10 Responses

  1. This is such a great tool for home. Thanks for sharing your gifts with us. Blessings.

  2. Oh Debbie, what a great lesson!! I can’t wait to do it with my family. My Lighthouse is one of my FAVORITES. Sorry though, you probably won’t be getting a video of us singing it.
    Thank you!!

  3. What a great idea! Thank you, Debbie, for thinking of our children during these challenging times.

  4. Oh, Tina! Maybe you could do the filming while your other dear ones sing and dance? I know at least two in your family who might be willing!

  5. Dear Debbie:

    This is wonderful! I love singing “My Lighthouse ” in choir. It was great watching the video of it! Your idea about writing people’s names on the chain is great!

  6. You did it again! I’m so proud of you, my daughter!! May God bless and encourage families everywhere!

  7. Blessings to you all! Be sure to post videos or photos of your family doing the activities! You can post them here or on the EPC to Community Facebook Group.