This week we continue our series looking at comforting passages in scripture; the series is titled, Comfort Food. Several people on our Facebook page mentioned Romans 8 as a comforting passage. I highly encourage you to read the entire chapter. Next week is Pentecost Sunday, where we celebrate and remember the gift of the Spirit. Romans 8 has a phenomenal and comforting message about the Spirit and we will cover that next week. But for this week, we will focus on Romans 8:28 and 8:38-39. God bless you as we begin our worship.
Call to Worship
If God is for us, who is against us?
He who gave us his son,
now gives us the Spirit in power!
The Holy One is in our midst:
equipping us for life in the service of Christ.
In Christ we are more than conquerors,
for nothing in creation can separate us from the love of God!
May the all surpassing grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you.
And the unshakable love of God be with you.
The joyous communion of the Holy Spirit be with you.
And also with you!
Scripture Reading – Romans 8:28 (NRSV)
28 We know that all things work together for good for those who love God, who are called according to his purpose.
Song – Schubert/Old Rugged Cross by Daniel Manoiu
Please enjoy this piano piece from the very talented Daniel Manoiu!
Prayer for Others During Pandemic
In this time of COVID-19, we pray:
When we aren’t sure, God, help us be calm.
When information comes from all sides, correct and not, help us to discern.
When fear makes it hard to breathe, and anxiety seems to be the order of the day, slow us down, God.
Help us to reach out with our hearts, when we can’t touch with our hands.
help us to be socially connected, when we have to be socially distant.
Help us to love as perfectly as we can, knowing that “perfect love casts out all fear.”
For the doctors, we pray,
for the nurses, we pray,
for the technicians and the janitors and the
aides and the caregivers, we pray,
for the researchers and theorists,
the epidemiologists and investigators,
for those who are sick,
and those who are grieving, we pray,
for all who are affected,
all around the world…
we pray
for safety,
for health,
for wholeness.
May we feed the hungry,
give drink to the thirsty,
clothe the naked and house those without homes;
may we walk with those who feel they are alone,
and may we do all that we can to heal
the sick—
in spite of the epidemic,
in spite of the fear.
Help us, O God, that we might help each other.
In the love of the Creator,
in the name of the Healer,
in the life of the Holy Spirit that is in all and with all,
we pray.
May it be so. Amen
Scripture Reading – Romans 8:38-39(NRSV)
Song – Christ The Lord is With Me, by Steffany Gretzinger
This song captures the truth of Romans 8:38-39 with grace and poise. Enjoy and be reminded that Christ is with you this day and every day to come.
Meditation over Zoom
Questions for Discussion
1) We are obviously going through a troubling time living through a pandemic. How does verse 28 make sense when we are experiencing trying times?
2) Verses 38-39 promise us that nothing can separate us from God’s love. Even though that is true, there are times when we feel separate from it. Can you recall a time when you felt separate from God’s love and what contributed to that feeling?
3) When have you felt most connected to or comforted by God’s love?
Song – No Limit To Your Love – John Van Deusen
This is the song that was mentioned in the video meditation. Listen as John sings of the vast magnitude and grandiose nature of God’s love for you.
Nothing that we encounter in this world
can ever separate us from the love of Jesus Christ:
not hardship or disaster, poverty or danger,
neither death nor life, angels or demons,
our fears for today or our worries about tomorrow—
not even the powers of hell itself!
Nothing in all creation can ever separate us from God’s love.
So go from here with joy
to love and serve the Lord.
Comfort Food Recipe – Grilled Cheese with Peanut Butter
This is one of those items people either LOVE or HATE. It is so simple to make, and so satisfying to eat!
You only need 4 ingredients:
Bread of your choosing
Cheese of your choosing (I recommend sharp cheddar)
Peanut butter (or almond butter, or sun butter for those with allergies).
You know the drill, place a large glob of butter in your frying pan on medium high heat. Spread peanut butter on one side of your bread and place in pan. Lay cheese on top of peanut butter. Cover with other piece of bread. Flip when necessary. Ensure you don’t burn the bread and enjoy as soon as that cheese melts and becomes a gooey mess of deliciousness.
If you’re feeling brave, add bacon. Just don’t tell your cardiologist.
Thanks for all the “food for thought”. For me, I have learned that God does not always change my difficult circumstances, but He does help me transcend to a higher place of Love.
Really blest to know all of the participants here, not only, but to hear their testimony related to Roamans 8:28 was most inspiring. Life DOES have purpose, even though we may not see it during a specific time like the Pandemic that we are now in. God gives strength and blessing, as we find comfort in suffering. All praise and glory goes to our God, Redeemer and Lord. Thanks for your participation to help us grow in our faith. God’s love is eternal!
Amen! Thanks for another wonderful worship moment. Loved seeing Daniel!!
I really don’t like having to deal with COVID 19, even though I haven’t yet been hurt by it. I worry about my son and DIL who are front-line doctors, and pray for their safety and wisdom through this both in the people they treat and their family (with a two year old and their erratic schedules it is hard!). I have been missing in-person fellowship, and depressed about how our society is being so badly hit by this disease. But I see that it is something that is so pervasive and big that it is causing us to rethink almost everything and not to be arrogant about our own views. It is humbling, for me and, I think, for many. I hope and pray that God will bring us through this deeply changed for the better. Already we are being forced to learn to live differently, and by the grace of God, may we learn to live with more love and appreciation of how we are not in charge, but must do what we can.
Regarding feeling connected to God, I find myself saying with Peter “to whom shall we go?” Jesus has the words (is the WORD) of eternal life. My being connected to Jesus is in His hands, and I take comfort in that.
Great service!
I really don’t like having to deal with COVID 19, even though I haven’t yet been hurt by it. I worry about my son and DIL who are front-line doctors, and pray for their safety and wisdom through this both in the people they treat and their family (with a two year old and their erratic schedules it is hard!). I have been missing in-person fellowship, and depressed about how our society is being so badly hit by this disease. But I see that it is something that is so pervasive and big that it is causing us to rethink almost everything and not to be arrogant about our own views. It is humbling, for me and, I think, for many. I hope and pray that God will bring us through this deeply changed for the better. Already we are being forced to learn to live differently, and by the grace of God, may we learn to live with more love and appreciation of how we are not in charge, but must do what we can.
Regarding feeling connected to God, I find myself saying with Peter “to whom shall we go?” Jesus has the words (is the WORD) of eternal life. My being connected to Jesus is in His hands, and I take comfort in that.
I really loved the conversations this morning. I related most to Charles Hall’s comments regarding the fact that God uses his people to connect with you. It seems so inefficient of God to use people for His purpose because we, as humans, are so imperfect. However, only a handful of times in my life have I truly felt God, in a visceral way actually touch me. However, many times have I felt God’s love through His people by way of a hug or a word. Also, Dave Ross has been a person in my life that has been there for me when I really needed a supportive word.
You can’t quantify these things. You can only be thankful.
Thank you again for the wonderful message and insightful comments from Dave, Carole and Charles. Enjoyed Daniel’s playing of The Old Rugged Cross. The verses from Romans 8 are really “comforting”.
Thank you David Anderson. We also all enjoyed Daniel’s playing the piano as a part of our worship today and it was good+ to see him. We Emmanuelites miss seeing+ you all, the Fellowship. Thank you for going over the passages with Dave, Carol, and Charles, we appreciated their thoughts and sharing. Be Safe and Health to you+ all. Prayers+ for Charles’ friend that’s in C-19 coma and for his family and his recovery once he comes out of coma and re-establishment of his living relationship with God and his career.