Easter Eggs and candy!


It’s a very exciting day! Let’s take a break from the sugar craziness and use some of our energy for singing!


Hallelujah is a word that means Praise God!


Our church usually sings “The Hallelujah Chorus” on Easter Sunday. But let’s sing our version—and remember to divide into two groups, one group stands for “Hallelu” and the other group stands for “Praise ye the Lord!”


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But what are we praising God for today?


Watch these kids tell the story of Easter. (Mom and Dad, can we eat a piece of candy while we watch? Please?)


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Because of Jesus, we can be friends with God.


We can be part of God’s own family! This is such good news!


Here is a song about this good news. We sang this at Camp Joy last summer. See if you remember it! Stand up and try to do the motions along with the video! (Lots of jumping up and down, please!)


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Thank You, God for sending Jesus to rescue us from sin and death. Thank You for bringing us to this Happy Day. In Jesus’ name, amen.




What do you think about this good news?


Moms and Dads, Grandmas and Grandpas, it is your turn. What difference has God’s love and forgiveness made in your life?


Why do you celebrate Easter? (Another piece of candy while we listen?)


(You can use the Easter Family Chat and activity pages to help guide your conversation if you want. If you did not get them in the mail, email Debbie at Debbie@emmanuelTO.org and I’ll email pdfs to you!)


Kids, what about you? Make a video to send to someone you love who is not with you right now. Answer one of these questions in your video:


What does being part of God’s family mean to you?


How has God shown His love for you?


Why do you love following Jesus?


Happy Easter! Jesus loves you today and always!

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