Call to Worship


Are any among you suffering?
Then let us pray.
Are any cheerful?
Then let us sing songs of praise.
Are any among you sick?
Then let us turn to each other for God’s healing touch.
The prayer of faith will save us
And God will lift us up.


If it had not been God who was on our side,
the troubles of our world would have swallowed us whole.
If it had not been God who was on our side,
the sorrows of our times would have swept us away.
Are any among us suffering?
Come and pray.
Are any among us cheerful?
Come sing songs of praise.
Are any among us sick?
Come and ask for healing.
Our help is in our God,
the One who made heaven and earth.
Call upon God, creator and rescuer.
God is on our side.


Opening Prayer


Christ Jesus,
we come into your presence
from many different places.
We come with songs of joy
and shouts of gratitude.
We come carrying heavy burdens
and sighs of suffering.
As you welcome us into your presence,
lift our burdens
and receive our praise.
Salt us with your grace
and flavor us with your mercy.
Bind us together,
that we may be at peace with one another
and be strengthened to go forth
in service to the world.
In your holy name, we pray. Amen.


Scripture Reading –Matthew 21:21-22 CEB



Song of Reflection – Daniel Manoiu Improvisation #2

J.S. Bach Prelude 13 in F sharp major/ Grace Greater Than Our Sin

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Prayer of Petition and Praise


God of love and power, hear our prayers
as we raise our thoughts and our voices to you.
We pray for those who suffer and are sick . . .
God of love and power,
hear our prayer.


We pray for those who struggle with temptation and sin . . .
God of love and power,
hear our prayer.


We pray for those who lead and guide others
on the journey of faith . . .
God of love and power,
hear our prayer.


We pray for those who serve and share in ministry
around the world . . .
God of love and power,
hear our prayer.


We pray for the world and its leaders . . .
God of love and power,
hear our prayer.


We give thanks for those who are cheerful
and who bring joy to our lives . . .
God of love and power,
we give you praise.


We give thanks for those who are loving and kind . . .
God of love and power,
we give you praise.


We give thanks for this earth and its bounty . . .
God of love and power,
we give you praise.


We give thanks for Christ’s grace in our lives,
and for the presence of God in our world . . .
God of love and power,
we give you praise.


God of love and power, hear our prayers
as we raise our thoughts and our voices to you. Amen.


Song – “New Every Morning” by Audrey Assad

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Scripture Reading – James 5:13-20



Video Sermon

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Song – “Wounded Healer” by Audrey Assad

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Go now and celebrate wherever God’s name is honored.
When suffering comes, pray in faith.
In times of joy, sing songs of praise.
Persevere in prayer and action
to bring the fallen back to the truth.


And may God save you from all that would harm you;
May Christ Jesus heal you and raise you up;
and may the Holy Spirit anoint you
and give you peace with one another.


We go in peace to love and serve the Lord,
…In the name of Christ. Amen.


Questions for Reflection


If faithful prayers “save” the sick, why do so many sick people die?


From our study in James, what has been most challenging and what has been most useful to you?


When you pray, do you feel as though you are standing in the gap between heaven and earth? Why or why not?


Can you recall a time when God responded to prayer in a profound way? Share it.


Can you recall a time when God’s will and your will differed in how a prayer was answered?

One Response

  1. I have experienced,when I confessed my sin to another brother or sister, that I moved forward in my relationship with God. Do I still have sin in my life? Yes. I recognize my sin and pray about it daily. I’m still growing and challenging myself. However, at times, I still feel that for every step forward I take, I then take two steps back. I think recognizing this regression is what helps me move forward and try to get closer to God.

    I have witnessed in the past a brother who confessed his sin to another brother and seen it save his family. God works through His people. We really need each other.