Call to Worship
Scripture Reading – Isaiah 55:1-3
All of you who are thirsty, come to the water!
Whoever has no money, come, buy food and eat!
Without money, at no cost, buy wine and milk!
2 Why spend money for what isn’t food,
and your earnings for what doesn’t satisfy?
Listen carefully to me and eat what is good;
enjoy the richest of feasts.
3 Listen and come to me;
listen, and you will live.
Song – Come Thou Fount
Scripture Reading – Ezekiel 47:6-9
6 He said to me, “Human one, do you see?” Then he led me back to the edge of the river.7 When I went back, I saw very many trees on both banks of the river. 8 He said to me, “These waters go out to the eastern region, flow down the steep slopes, and go into the Dead Sea. When the flowing waters enter the sea, its water becomes fresh. 9 Wherever the river flows, every living thing that moves will thrive.
Prayer by Anita Monro
O God, we gather at your waters,
as a hot and bothered crowd gathers on the beach
on a sweltering, summer day.
O God, we drink at your fountain,
as a parched dog laps at the fresh,
running water of a bush creek.
O God, we await your refreshment,
as a tired worker watches for the change of shift.
Quench our thirst, satisfy our longings.
Song – Still, My Soul, Still
Scripture – John Chapter 7
After this Jesus traveled throughout Galilee. He didn’t want to travel in Judea, because the Jewish authorities wanted to kill him. 2 When it was almost time for the Jewish Festival of Booths, 3 Jesus’ brothers said to him, “Leave Galilee. Go to Judea so that your disciples can see the amazing works that you do. 4 Those who want to be known publicly don’t do things secretly. Since you can do these things, show yourself to the world.” 5 His brothers said this because even they didn’t believe in him.
Video Sermon
Prayer of Intercession by Christine Longhurst
Holy God, where have you already made up your mind on what god is or isn’t allowed or going to do? parameters on gods behavior
whose Spirit moved over the waters at the dawn of creation,
hear our prayers for all who thirst today.
We pray for those who are spiritually thirsty,
who long to know Your presence, but don’t know where to find You.
We pray for those who are alone and without hope,
those who long to feel needed and loved,
those who are searching for meaning and purpose.
We pray for all who are physically thirsty,
who don’t have enough water to drink, or feed their animals,
whose fields are parched, whose crops have withered;
those who have to walk long distances to find enough water to survive,
or who have to be content with water that is unclean.
We pray for those whose homes and villages are torn apart
because of drought or famine.
We pray for those who are thirsty for justice,
who long for an equal sharing of resources among peoples and nations;
those who put their lives at risk to protect streams and rivers and oceans;
those who are working to find clean water,
and make it available to those who need it.
God, we ask that you would open our hearts to the needs of all who thirst.
Give us courage to work together for justice,
to stand alongside those who are thirsty,
so that all people, everywhere, may live without want or fear,
and may discover the abundant life You promise to each one.
In the name of Jesus Christ—the source of living water—we pray. Amen.
Song – Oceans