What is prayer?

Here is a prayer Jesus taught us to pray.

The first part of the prayer praises God for who He is. Then it asks God to make earth like heaven, where everyone shows love for God and others because they know God as the true King!
The next part of the prayer asks God for our daily bread. What does that mean? Everyone take turns telling your ideas!
Food is something that everyone needs every day!
Jesus said we should ask God for what we need each day, every day! Find a sheet of paper and make a list together. Write down what you need. Food and water are a good start, but what are other things you need? Are you sad about something? Do you need a hug? Do you need someone to listen to you? Do you need help with something you are worried about? God cares about all the things you need.
And what about all the things you don’t necessarily need, but really, really want?
Did you know that you can tell God anything? You can tell Him about the things you want. You can tell Him about things you don’t like, things like not being able to go to camp or to Disneyland this summer. God loves you and wants you to talk to Him about these things, too.
God answers song

But HOW does God answer our prayers?
Moms and dads, grandmas and grandpas, tell about a time you prayed for something and how God answered your prayer.
He might answer in one of these ways:
“I have something better for you.”
God will always answer and He will always love and care for us, no matter what!
When God says no to something we really want or to something that is really important to us, we can feel angry or sad. Even when God says no, He loves us and is with us. We can tell Him about our feelings—even angry feelings! He won’t stop loving us. Someday He will help us understand why He said no.
Family Project time!
Make a family prayer board.
On one side, put prayer requests (the things you are asking God for). When God answers your prayer, move the request over to the other side of the board. Eventually you will see that God is answering your prayers all the time and in many different ways!