Life Groups & Bible Studies

The ultimate goal of a Life Group is to love God and love others

Life Groups are designed to gather people together to journey through life with one another. There are three components to a Life Group:

  • Support
  • Service
  • Study

Life Groups are composed of a group of 6-12 people who meet regularly to develop relationship and encourage one another to growth – ultimately to follow Christ more closely as we try to love others and love God.

The time commitment is once a week for a ten week stretch of time. Groups meet at different times and places, hopefully we have a group that matches your needs.


Group #1

Lead: Kurt Kyle – click HERE to email

Host: Tim and Jessica Bagdanov – click HERE to email

Location: Moorpark home

When: Tuesdays at 7pm

Focus: Check with Leader

Group #2

Lead: Gary Hawisher and Dan Van Gent – click HERE to email.

Host: Gary Hawisher

Location: Emmanuel

When: Sundays at 6:30pm

This group is full

Group #3

Lead: Steve Bagdanov – click HERE to email

Host: Bob and Sarah Steenberge – click HERE to email

When: 1st & 3rd Thursdays at 6pm

This group is open

Group #4

Lead: Lynn Foerster – click HERE to email

Host: Emmanuel Presbyterian Church

Location: Emmanuel Presbyterian Church – 588 Camino Manzanas Thousand Oaks

When: First and Third Wednesdays at noon

This group is open

Group #5

Lead: Mark and Mary Jo Bodenhamer – Click HERE to email

Host: Caroline and David Ross

Location: Thousand Oaks Home

When: Sunday at 11:45am

Group #6

Lead: Bob Willcox – click HERE to email

Host: Bob and Karen Hollingsworth – click HERE to email

Location: Thousand Oaks Lynn Ranch home

When: Sunday at 11:45am

This group is open

Bible Studies

Our Bible Studies aim to have participants share together in direct, thoughtful engagement with scripture.

Time commitment varies. Some groups will meet weekly for only one or two months. Others may last much longer.

Groups will meet at a variety of venues – at private homes, at church, or online.

Click HERE to contact the Bible Study organizer, Pippa Phillips, with any questions, or for more info.


Bible Study #1

Lead: Pippa Phillips – click HERE to email

Host: Zoom

Location: Zoom

When:  Thursday  10:30 am – 11:40 pm

Focus: Book of Ephesians

This group is open to men and women. First meeting January 5, 2023.

Bible Study #2

Leaders: Joyce Maxwell, Richard Deonier, Bill Tennant – Click HERE to email

Host: Zoom

Location: Zoom

When: Sundays 12:00PM – 1:00PM

Focus: The theology behind the weekly sermon and its application in our lives
This group is open to all.

Life Group Information Form

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