I grew up in a house full of music.


I often think that if I wasn’t in fulltime ministry, I would love to be a music producer, or work in a studio as a technician, or just scout the world to find incredible artists. I remember my parents playing incredible albums. We would play them loud during yard work, or just sitting on the couch marveling at killer tone and lovely lyrics. 


I can remember the first concert I went to with my dad.


He builds guitars for a living and always played in church while I was growing up; in fact, he still does! Have you ever been to a concert, just so excited to see the headliner, but one of the opening bands just blew you away? My first concert was like that. My dad and I just sat there and couldn’t stop gushing about how good, how full, how amazing the sound and talent was of the opening band. 


We did what all normal people do when they find a good band. We told everyone about them!


We love sharing things we connect to. It might be a movie, a book, a poem, an internet meme, anything! It helps us connect things we love to people we love. 


That being said, I want to share a song with you that I have shared before in services.


It is just one of those songs that is powerful, captures God’s heart, and is something I need to hear on a regular basis. It is one of those songs that I wish every person could listen to and resonate with. I get a lot of chances to speak with people, to make a point, to articulate worthwhile ideas – this song says so much of what I want and I long for people to hear!


The artists are Steffany Gretzinger and Amanda Cook and the song is titled, “Out of Hiding.” 


Here is a link to a video on Youtube so that you can listen to it:

YouTube player


This song moves me.


It speaks to all my insecurities and my deep longings for acceptance. It is a love song written from the perspective of Jesus to each and every one of us. It is an invitation to be free all of the shame, guilt, self-hate, and torture that we put on ourselves.


Jesus says, “throw off that fear and come running to me!”


In the Gospel of Luke, Jesus makes this declarative statement about his desire for every single person on earth. This is his mission statement:


Jesus is in the business of releasing us from whatever keeps us captive.


It may be addiction, or jealousy, or self-loathing, or despair, or issues with our family of origin, you name it, Jesus came to be good news for you. He wants you close to him. He wants to bring light where all we see is darkness. Captivity is the opposite of God’s hope for you and me. 


Hiding is pure torment.


Hiding requires veneers, and endless lies to ensure that we are never found out. Hiding is the opposite of freedom. Most of us are so scared that when we are found out, that Jesus, that our friends, and our families, will shy away from us. Fear of rejection keeps freedom at bay. 


Jesus wants to restore our sight.


It is our blindness that cripples our ability to see just how much worth we have to Jesus. Jesus looks at every single one of us with love and tenderness. Nothing is hidden from him. He knows it all and still calls us valuable. 


“Come out of hiding. You’re safe here with me.”


From one valuable child of God to another, may Christ continue to seek you out, cherish you, and usher you into the love he so freely gives.