As a group we strive for deep and meaningful relationships with each other and with God. When we think about growth, we think in the terms of rootedness in Jesus. We orient everything we can towards the goal of forming people for the long haul. That being said, we love when people join our community who want to invest in us and be invested into by us.
We meet Sunday mornings during the 10AM service. Come directly to room 18 and there we discuss a lesson and pray. Any middle school aged student is welcome!
We meet on Sunday evenings from 7 – 8:30 PM in order to grow closer together and discuss a topic, as well as to pray and plan upcoming trips. Any high school aged student is welcome!
Youth Group meets in the Youth Wing (Rm 17) from 7:00 – 8:30 PM on Wednesday evenings. This is a time of open play and friendship, where the goal is to have fun and get to know one another better. Anyone in 6th – 12th grade is invited.
Director of Youth Ministry
Director of Youth Ministry
588 Camino Manzanas,
Thousand Oaks, CA. 91360