What do you do when you are surprised? Do you do one of these things?


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Jesus’ friends were in for a big surprise.

Read John 20:19-20.

“19 That Sunday evening the disciples were meeting behind locked doors because they were afraid of the Jewish leaders. Suddenly, Jesus was standing there among them! “Peace be with you,” he said. 20 As he spoke, he showed them the wounds in his hands and his side. They were filled with joy when they saw the Lord!”

The disciples were filled with joy because they could see Jesus really is alive! What an amazing surprise! Jump up and sing along with this song!

Everybody, Everywhere


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Read John 20:21

21 Again he said, “Peace be with you. As the Father has sent me, so I am sending you.”

Jesus saying “Peace be with you” reminds me of this song. You can just listen and sing along, or get up and do the motions with the guy in the video.


My Lighthouse

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Look back at John 20:21. Jesus didn’t stop with telling His friends to be at peace. He sent them out to show God’s love to others! The job of sharing God’s love and peace is now our job—and Jesus will help us do it!

Take turns praying, asking Jesus for help in showing His love and living in His peace.


Then choose one of these ideas to do with your family this week, or come up with your own ideas:


• Make cards for people in our church who are alone right now. (Email me for some names and addresses if you need them.)


• Find games or toys in good condition that you no longer use, disinfect them and drop them off by a friend’s door for them to enjoy.


• Hold an encouraging-words challenge. Post a sheet of paper on the fridge. Each time someone says something kind and encouraging to someone else, make a mark on the paper. How many marks can you make in one day? make a mark on the paper. How many marks can you make in one day? Set a goal and have a special treat together when you reach your goal.


• Donate food to Manna

4 Responses

  1. Beautiful activity that definitely brings praise to our Risen Lord. We are ALL children and need the encouragement of each other. Thanks for posting such powerful stuff, Debbie. You are ‘true minister’ to the Lord – God’s LIGHTHOUSE! Thanks! …. George