Camp Joy - 2024

July 15-18

Camp Joy: Fun with Food

Camp Joy is a week of Fun with Food as we discover food science surprises, create edible art, and enjoy the food we eat! Camp Joy is for kids entering kindergarten through 5th grade.


This year's dates are Monday through Thursday July 15-18 from 9am-12:30pm.


Your kids will have a great time singing, playing and discovering in a safe and life affirming environment.


Don't miss Camp Joy 2024!!!

Camp Joy

Camp Joy is our summer experience for elementary school students. The focus is on fun, learning about the world, and having an all around fantastic time. 

How Much Does Camp Joy cost?

$75 per child.

Our goal is to have any child who desires to attend Camp Joy to be able to attend, so our cost is $75, or pay what you can. If that is $0 that is perfectly fine. If you are able to give a scholarship, that is also welcomed.


When does Camp Joy Meet?

This year we are meeting the week of July 15-18

WE meet Monday to Thursday from 9-noon, with a celebration day on Thursday

What ages are welcome?

Children entering kindergarten through 5th grade are welcome.

Can I volunteer to help?


Contact Debbie Barber for more information

Camp Joy is a great opportunity for short term Service

The Children’s ministry is dependent upon volunteers, and our volunteers are the best. Join this group of dedicated people who serve the children of the church. Debbie depends upon the regular participation of adult volunteers.

With Camp Joy you can get you feet wet in volunteering at Emmanuel and not have a long term commitment.

Camp Joy Needs You!