We are learning about the prayer Jesus taught us to pray. Here it is as a song!


Lord’s Prayer song:

YouTube player


One of the things Jesus taught us to pray for is for God’s Kingdom to come and His will to be done on earth as it is in heaven.


What is God’s Kingdom?


God’s Kingdom video:

YouTube player


Parents and grandparents, tell ways you have seen God’s Kingdom on earth.
Kids, what are some ways you can participate in God’s Kingdom this week?


God wants His kingdom to be full of people from all over the world, all languages, all skin, hair, and eye colors, all different kinds of abilities and cultures!


Here is part of a song and a promotional for a book about how God made all of us to know Him and to enjoy being part of His family forever. You can dance as you listen to the song!


God Made Me and You book video:

YouTube player



Look at the map below. God’s Kingdom is for the people in ALL of these countries! God wants us to pray for and care about people all over the world!



Choose one of the places below to pray for, and click on the links for your chosen place to learn more about the people and ways to pray for that place.

A ministry in Zambia
A ministry in Ukraine
A ministry in Uganda


Listen to the whole “God Made Me and You” song as you pray for the people in the country you chose.


God Made Me and You Song:

YouTube player


God invites you to be part of His Kingdom, showing His love to people all over the world!