Have you been a little warm the past few days? I have! Let’s imagine heading to the snow as we listen to this song!


My God is Powerful song:

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Faith is complete trust or confidence in something or someone.


When the Bible talks about faith in God it means that we have put all our confidence and hope in Him. Here’s a verse from the Bible that tells something Jesus said about faith.


Matthew 17:20



What do you think Jesus meant by saying that?


Does He want us to move mountains around? Tell each other what you think!


Mustard seed video:

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What does faith mean to you?


Talk about where you see faith in the life of someone you know.


Listen to another wintery song about faith in God.


Faith song:

YouTube player




Pray together for God to give you faith to grow each day, so that your life will point others to God and they will see God in the things you say and do.