When we began the process of walking through Emmanuel’s history in order to see what truly stuck out as part of DNA and our code, we heard endless story after story of Jesus’ grace. Having grown up at Emmanuel, I have experienced first hand this continual ongoing grace.


I want to tell you a story about Fred Arnold and how I experienced grace from him.


I remember being really nervous. My parents signed me up for a weekend away at Forest Home’s winter camp. I was in 4thgrade. This was going to be my first trip truly away from my family for an extended time. I had heard that there were over 500 kids at Forest Home every weekend! I was terrified!


Would I fit in? Would anyone want to be my friend? What if I got lost? Will I get top bunk or bottom? Did I pack all the right clothing? How long was the bus ride there? I get carsick… am I going to lose my lunch in front of all the other church kids?


Besides all that, I was the only boy in my grade. All the other boys were older, stronger, smarter, and had gone before!  None of them were thinking about packing up their beloved blankie, surely! 6thgraders are intimidating!


I got a phone call one evening from Fred Arnold. He just wanted me to know he was so glad to be my counselor and that he couldn’t wait to spend the weekend at camp with all of us kids.

I felt a little more secure, but still scared.


The night we arrived at camp, Fred gathered all of us in our bunks. He knew each of us by name. He was so warm and kind. He told us he had something for us that would help us become a good team together. I remember Fred reaching into his duffel bag and pulling out brand new Mighty Ducks hats for each one of us.


This was a big deal.

Fred knew exactly how to make us all feel like we fit in.


He talked about how everyone at camp would know we belonged to one another. He talked about how we were a team and could count on one another. My anxiety level immediately dropped and for the rest of the weekend we all walked around hanging out as Ducks!


I doubt Fred had to do any deep soul searching before he purchased those 10 or so hats. It stems from his character – a character that has been formed from years of learning from Jesus. It was such a simple act, and yet it had profound implications for me.


I have countless stories of the people of Emmanuel continuing in the legacy of experiencing God’s grace and extending God’s grace. Fred still does it. He is one of our ushers. He consistently greets folks as they enter the worship service. He makes you feel welcome. He makes you feel like you belong. He acts a lot like Jesus.


May Emmanuel continue to be a place that blesses one another and those we have yet to meet with God’s ongoing grace.

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