Advent is probably my favorite time of year.


I love the ritual of lighting a candle every night for a devotional time and adding more candles as we get closer to Christmas. As a child, that family time was important to me. And as an adult, I’ve found it to become more and more meaningful. Advent began on December 1 and continues until Christmas.


On the first Sunday of Advent, we kicked off the season with the Advent Cookie Blast.


Everyone who came brought cookies for exchanging, and we had a variety of activities designed to encourage us all to think more about Christ and one another in this season on longing and waiting.


Everyone left with a box full of cookies, a book of all the recipes shared, and an Advent devotional book, you can access the Advent Book HERE.


If you missed the event, I invite you to take part in celebrating Advent with us. We have more Advent devotional booklets at the Connection Center at church. You can access our Advent Cookie Blast Recipe Book HERE. And try some of the Advent activities below.


Join the Christmas Story

How do you think the story of God sending His Son should have gone? Play with a nativity set, acting out what you think should have happened, and adding yourself and others to the scene. Then read the real story from Luke 2. Why do you think it went that way?


Loving Cards

Write to someone, offering love and encouragement during the Christmas season. Deliver your cards in person or send them through the mail.



Skittle Prayers

Choose three Skittles. Pray for others based on the colors of the Skittles you chose. THEN eat your Skittles, plus three more!
Red: Pray for someone at work or school.
Orange: Pray for someone in your family.
Yellow: Pray for people who are alone at Christmastime.
Purple: Pray for people who don’t have money for Christmas presents.
Green: Pray for people who are sick


Wrapping Paper Gift

Christmastime celebrates the greatest gift ever given: God gave us His Son! Add to a picture that reminds us of this great gift. Tear pieces of wrapping paper in the colors indicated and glue to the picture. Talk about God’s gift of Jesus as you work!


Prayers of Longing


We celebrate Advent by remembering the longing of God’s people, waiting for their Savior. What are you longing for now? Write a prayer about that longing. God hears your prayers, and He loves you!

3 Responses

  1. Looked like a great event. Thanks for posting pictures and recipes.

    Who won the cookie contest?

  2. Thank you so much Debbie for your Advent comments. It is so easy to miss the value of Advent in our rush to to Christmas.