This Thanksgiving Will Not Be the Same

Thousand Oaks isn’t the same as it was two weeks ago. We have all joined a “club” that nobody wants to be a part of. We have endured a mass shooting.

Singing and Worshiping

I believe the act of singing in church is something we may take for granted. It took me a long time to discern the difference between singing and worshiping.  They should go hand in hand, but I’ve found that there is a distinction between the two.

Experiencing Grace

My parents signed me up for a weekend away at Forest Home’s winter camp. Would I fit in? Would anyone want to be my friend? What if I got lost?

Playground Renewal

The refreshing time of rest from my own childhood, along with the proven power of time in natural spaces, is why I am excited about the playground renewal project that is currently in progress at Emmanuel Presbyterian Church.

We Are All Teachers

When this student heard the discussion going on about someone’s ability to acquire one of the most powerful positions in our country, she was learning about herself from society and how the adult world viewed and valued her.

Create a Prayer Box to See God in Action

Drawing our attention to the gifts God has given us brings about a sense of well-being and gratitude. We remember God’s trustworthiness and faithfulness which helps us to feel more peace.

Setting Down the Rope

It is like standing on a bridge playing tug-of-war.  Both of us with rope in hand, trying to tug the other person over to “my way of thinking”. We could imagine the sight, straining to convince the other. 

Giving Ourselves Away

“How do you get away with doing all that activism stuff with the youth?” I was recently asked this question by someone who has existed in enough church circles to know that, well, being this sort of youth group would be swimming upstream.