James – Week 3

Lynn brings us further into James and encourages us to explore self-sacrificial love through the actions in our lives.

James – Week 2

This week we welcome Lynn Foerster as she brings us into the second chapter of James, discusses favoritism and challenges us to consider its application in our lives.

A Sermon Series on James

This service is an introduction to the topics found in James, and the entire first chapter is threaded throughout this worship service.

Church in Your Home

We welcome Jared Del Dosso, our Director of Youth Ministry, and some life-long Emmanuel congregants as they explore the themes of vocation, purpose, and “the other.”

A New Commandment I Give You

Today we take communion and welcome Pippa again as she shares with us a meditation and challenging questions around our love for others.

Church in Your Home

We welcome Pippa Phillips who invites us into God’s passionate love story.

Kids’ Worship for July 26

We are all tempted by lots of different things every day! But we can ask God to help us with those difficult feelings.