Church in Your Home

As our campus is closed, we still worship! Craig shares a way to pray and send praise along with discussion and thought in the Gospel of Mark 10: 46-52 which tells of the healing of the blind man, Bartimaeus.

Fully Human

Can Jesus truly be one of us? Could he start out racist? Could he be fully human?

Congregational Meeting

This is a recap of our January 26, 2020 Congregational Meeting where we received the annual report, reviewed Emmanuel’s finances, 2021 projections, approved to dissolve the pastoral position held by Craig Williams and covered the next steps forward.

Christmas 2019

I look forward to Christmas each year. I probably hang too many expectations on it to ever have it fully satisfy my longings and hopes and dreams. It has hints of being magical for me. And surprisingly, it sometimes gets close to being so.

Advent Cookie Blast

Find out how we celebrated the start of Advent and also share in our activities, devotional and Cookie Blast recipe book which are all inside.


What has you coming back to this holiday year after year? What traditions are worth keeping? What traditions need to end? Why is thankfulness something worth entering into?

The Apolitical Jesus

A common line I hear around this season is, “keep politics and religion separate.” I have decided to imagine in some spots what the Gospels would say if Jesus were, indeed, apolitical.

I Am the Way, the Truth, and the Life

This is something that most Christians will affirm a foundation of their faith. We all assert Jesus as the Way, the Truth, the Life. But how do you know you are “in the Way of Jesus?”

Captured and Captivated

We are not placed at the front of the parade with those who fought and won. We are captive. We are captive to the cross and we are to be captivated by Jesus.