The Ministry of the Deacons at Emmanuel

Find out more about the exciting and rewarding ministry of being a Deacon at Emmanuel. Hear from some of our current serving Deacons and find out what they do.

Homelessness Symposium

On October 22, the city of Thousand Oaks hosted a community conversation around homelessness and food insecurity in the town. As a church in Thousand Oaks, we would do well to be involved in this discussion. Jesus, of course, was poor himself.

Financial Story

We want you to know where this congregation stands financially.  We want you to know how grateful we are for your generosity. In the coming weeks, you will see our financials updated monthly.

Thinking About Faith and Patriotism

True Christian patriotism, if there is such a thing, is to not only believe for but work for the goals of God’s Kingdom to be present in the society we are participating in.

Learning is All About Play!

When we become interested in a topic, we begin to explore it, play with it.   Then we question and listen to someone who knows about it—but not for too […]

Jelly Bean Prayer Time

Easter is so exciting for kids! All the candy and fun sometimes makes it hard to remember why we are celebrating! My advice? Don’t fight it, embrace it! How? Here is one simple idea…

Paschal Mystery

My spiritual director, Wilkie Au, would ask me at some point, to think of the events in my life as representing different points on a compass. To understand more fully the Paschal Mystery, he would direct me to two points on the compass in particular.

Encountering Jesus at La Mission Orphanage

We cared for people with broken bodies and praised the Jesus whose own broken body was renewed, in trust and hope that this would not only be the future for these beloved orphans, but also ours as well.