Victory is Such a Lonely Word

I love winning. Whether it is a theological argument, a political position, you name it, I relish winning. Is there a cost to victory?

The Ram of Pride

Can we set ours aside, the kind of pride that insists on being right, and listen for what might be best?

The Wheat and the Weeds

“Since one cannot know all the facts…” perhaps God sees my father, and every other flawed human being – myself included, with a more compassionate perspective.

Following Jesus the King (Part Two)

Are we holding onto a certain vision of ourselves and trying to fit Jesus’ words into that vision, or are we sacrificing our own vision for Jesus’?

There Are No Blank Slates

Each of us has been influenced, imprinted, and shaped by people, locations, ideas, events and everything imaginable. None of us has a faith that is “pure” or “right” or an idea of God that isn’t tainted by our own experiences.

Shane Claiborne At Emmanuel

On March 26th, Shane Claiborne will be coming to Emmanuel Presbyterian Church to lead us in a conversation about gun violence, Scripture, and God’s desire for transformation.

Opportunity to Serve

Over President’s Day weekend every year, Emmanuel’s students travel up to Forest Home to participate in their Opportunity to Serve (OTS) program. This year we had a blast and we would love for you to hear a bit about it!


What did you underline in your life this week? God uses all these instances, and may well be in them.

Celebrating Love

There are so many beautiful loves to celebrate. There is romantic love, parental love, love through the eyes and hugs of children, loving friendships, neighborly love, love for self, love for enemies, love for God and love from God.

Grumpy February

As a kid growing up in Tennessee, by February, the winter fun was over. All the trees looked dead, and the sky seemed dreary all the time. Christmas was a distant memory, and it felt like Easter would never come.