Where is God Hiding?

How does it happen, that each meal we eat is an encounter with God’s gracious gifts? That each person is an encounter with Jesus?

Why Go To Zambia?

There are many more stories of success at the school. And it sounds like the Esther School has it all together! Why do we go?

The Calming Nature of the Outdoors

It is a place for me to check my anxiety. The lilies aren’t worried. The croaking frogs aren’t concerned about the busyness of their day. Nature has a way of connecting us to God and putting our daily worries in check.

Why I am Going to Zambia

We don’t assume that we know better than the people who live there, and instead seek to listen, learn, and grow from the guidance of our hosts.

Following Jesus (Part One)

Teaching through a book of the Bible is a lot of fun. One of the main reasons I like to do this is that authors have certain points they are trying to make when they are arranging their material.

Exploring “Purpose” in Zambia

This is the purpose of teaching. This is the purpose of mission trips. Helping people (in this case students) find what they are good at, and utilizing it to better the community. 

The Power of a Song

I get a lot of chances to speak with people, to make a point, to articulate worthwhile ideas – this song says so much of what I want and I long for people to hear!

A New Year, A New You!

May you know that God calls you “Beloved” and adores you, whether you stay on your new course or not. God cherishes you as you are. God does not need you to be “new” in order to delight in you.

Let’s Hold Each Other Up

In a society divided by politics, race, and socioeconomic status, as the church, let’s make a decision to respect and honor authors of color in our homes.