Sunday Morning Live Stream
Sunday Morning Live Stream
Session is a body of elected Elders who govern the church. Elders meeting once a month in the Conference Room at Emmanuel.
Play Days! Get together with other parents for coffee and conversation while your kids play. Wednesday Mornings from 8:30am to Noon the Nursery and Play Area are available to hang out. We have a lovely brand new couch and Nespresso machine for your enjoyment. Best of all are the people! Come and hang out.
Buddy Break is a FREE Parents’ Day Out/respite program where kids with all types of special needs (VIP kids) have FUN while their parents get a BREAK. At Buddy Break, VIP kids and their siblings make new friends, play games, do crafts, hear children’s stories, enjoy music, and more! Meanwhile, parents get a break from […]
On March 2 in our normal service time, we will be having a Lent Communion Potluck. Join us for a unique celebration of Communion and join in. This will be our worship service as well. Sign up to bring something to share and to help set up and clean up: Sign Up Form
Drop by Emmanuel to read through a short devotion provided, and then receive the Imposition of ashes. The sanctuary will be open from 9-10am, 12:00-1pm, 7-8pm. Drop by during any of those windows and David will be there to impose ashes upon your forehead.
Play Days! Get together with other parents for coffee and conversation while your kids play. Wednesday Mornings from 8:30am to Noon the Nursery and Play Area are available to hang out. We have a lovely brand new couch and Nespresso machine for your enjoyment. Best of all are the people! Come and hang out.
Every Thursday night during Lent we will be meeting at 6:30pm on Thursday evenings for an evening of Art inspired by the Japanese Kintsugi practice. Artistic skill is not needed and we will be exploring brokenness and transformation as a result of brokenness. March 6, 6:30pm in the Fireside room. Sign up so we know […]
We prepare 50 hot meals for Harbor House once a month. We also provide 50 meals one Thursday every other month. To sign up for the March 9 meal, visit the Sign Up Genius All of the details are available here on the Moving Beyond Church page.
Play Days! Get together with other parents for coffee and conversation while your kids play. Wednesday Mornings from 8:30am to Noon the Nursery and Play Area are available to hang out. We have a lovely brand new couch and Nespresso machine for your enjoyment. Best of all are the people! Come and hang out.
Every Thursday night during Lent we will be meeting at 6:30pm on Thursday evenings for an evening of Art inspired by the Japanese Kintsugi practice. Artistic skill is not needed and we will be exploring brokenness and transformation as a result of brokenness. March 6, 6:30pm in the Fireside room. Sign up so we know […]
Play Days! Get together with other parents for coffee and conversation while your kids play. Wednesday Mornings from 8:30am to Noon the Nursery and Play Area are available to hang out. We have a lovely brand new couch and Nespresso machine for your enjoyment. Best of all are the people! Come and hang out.
Every Thursday night during Lent we will be meeting at 6:30pm on Thursday evenings for an evening of Art inspired by the Japanese Kintsugi practice. Artistic skill is not needed and we will be exploring brokenness and transformation as a result of brokenness. March 6, 6:30pm in the Fireside room. Sign up so we know […]
Session is a body of elected Elders who govern the church. Elders meeting once a month in the Conference Room at Emmanuel.
Play Days! Get together with other parents for coffee and conversation while your kids play. Wednesday Mornings from 8:30am to Noon the Nursery and Play Area are available to hang out. We have a lovely brand new couch and Nespresso machine for your enjoyment. Best of all are the people! Come and hang out.
Every Thursday night during Lent we will be meeting at 6:30pm on Thursday evenings for an evening of Art inspired by the Japanese Kintsugi practice. Artistic skill is not needed and we will be exploring brokenness and transformation as a result of brokenness. March 6, 6:30pm in the Fireside room. Sign up so we know […]
The Faith and Climate Forum is a nationwide event that brings together thousands of people of faith to explore how we can care for creation and take meaningful climate action. On March 27, the 2025 National Faith + Climate Forum will be a live-streamed broadcast, accessible online from your home or office. In 2024, nearly […]
ON March 29 from 9am to Noon we will be working in the playground area to clean and make room for more areas to plant.