Sunday school for children takes place each Sunday from 10 to 11 am during the adult worship service. Children 3 and under go to the nursery, Preschool and Kindergarten children meet in Room 1/2, and children in grades 1 to 5 meet on the playground or in Room 5/6. We use age-appropriate curriculum that focuses […]
Sermon Series: The Character of Jesus/You Also Ought...: John 3:16-21 For God so Loved the World... (Love) NEW! Access the Online Church Bulletin Link to our Online Giving Page
A little over two years ago our pastor Craig Williams resigned and David Anderson was called as our Designated Pastor. According to PCUSA polity, a Designated Pastor is assigned to a church for a period of at least two years and no more than four years. This generally gives a church space to find a […]
Youth Wing AN INCH WIDE AND A MILE DEEP As a group we strive for deep and meaningful relationships with each other and with God. When we think about growth, we think in the terms of rootedness in Jesus. We orient everything we can towards the goal of forming people for the long haul. That […]