Introduction – by David Anderson


It is my great pleasure to introduce this service to you. Jared Del Dosso is our Director of Youth Ministry and has invited several young adults, all whom grew up at Emmanuel, to share about their lives, the world, and God’s call upon them.


I am so proud of each of them, but more than that, give praise to God for who God created them to be. Like each generation of Christians, this up and coming generation has done and will continue to do amazing things through the power of Christ. This service is an excellent entry into the book of James, which we will be studying beginning next week. Let us worship!



Theme – by Jared Del Dosso


Our worship service for this Sunday focuses on the themes of vocation, purpose, and “the other.” I have reflected on these themes in a Zoom conversation with some life-long Emmanuel congregants. I pray that you are encouraged, perhaps challenged, and ultimately drawn closer to the heart of Jesus through this time of worship.


Call to Worship



Come, let us adore Jesus. Let us adore the God who is so vast and yet so intimate.
The God who breathed out the stars.
The God who dresses the lilies.
The God who knows how many hairs are on top of your head.
The God who promises to give you peace and joy.


Come, let us trust Jesus. Let us not be afraid of the consequence.
That there will be suffering.
That we are no longer the one in the center.
That we are to love our neighbor—any neighbor.


Come, let us die to ourselves and be raised up in the Messiah, Jesus. There is new life to be had, if we would but lay down our old idols.
The love of money.
The love of violence.
The love of success.
The love of self.
The love of only those that look like me.


O that we would trust in our bones, today and every day, that Jesus is more lovely than our idols, that decentering ourselves in the grand story is the best thing we could do for ourselves, and that the God of Life treasures us immensely. O God, help us in our disbelief.


The Brilliance – Brother

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Would you give us eyes to see as you do? Would you woo us in, ever deeper? O that we would learn to trust you, to really trust you. To trust that your ways are higher than our own. To trust that your love for us is so great. Grant us the courage to follow you. May we be vulnerable to the work of the Spirit in our lives today and every day, and may that vulnerability glorify you.
In the name of the Messiah Jesus, amen.


Scripture Reading


James 2:14-18 (CEB)


My brothers and sisters, what good is it if people say they have faith but do nothing to show it? Claiming to have faith can’t save anyone, can it? Imagine a brother or sister who is naked and never has enough food to eat. What if one of you said, “Go in peace! Stay warm! Have a nice meal!”? What good is it if you don’t actually give them what their body needs? In the same way, faith is dead when it doesn’t result in faithful activity.


Someone might claim, “You have faith and I have action.” But how can I see your faith apart from your actions? Instead, I’ll show you my faith by putting it into practice in faithful action.


Audrey Assad (featuring Propaganda) – River

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John Mark McMillan (Featuring Propaganda) – No Country

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Examine the things that make you deeply glad. Examine your gifts. Where do they meet up with the world’s greatest hungers and sufferings? I implore you to seek out that connection point and lean into that God-given vocation.


To put your faith into practice in faithful action.


To be the presence of Jesus to the places where hunger and suffering exists, wherever it may be.

6 Responses

  1. I loved hearing from the young adults in the video! Especially as a parent, it’s so encouraging to see such amazing people grow up in the church with their knowledge, confidence, action and outlook. I pray my little Emmanulites can follow with their faith as much as these wonderful young adults!

  2. It was neat hearing from the young adults that grew up at Emmanuel. It was inspiring to see the growth in their faith, and their future plans.

  3. Listening to these young adults makes me so proud that they grew up in our church. It’s so easy to look at the world today and feel it’s a sad place without hope. However, it gives me encouragement and inspiration to hear the goals these people have who are on the cusp of profoundly changing the world.

    They have taken the baton and are running with it!

  4. Boy– What challenging issues, and how directly faced!. I really appreciated “No Country.” May Jesus continue to show us where He is, and let me (us) come to see and follow Him more clearly and completely every day! Thanks for the inspirational discussion.

    1. Thanks Bill! It has been truly wonderful to get to know so many of the students who have been nurtured at Emmanuel.