We are continuing to learn about the prayer Jesus taught. Let’s pray that prayer aloud together.



Today we are focusing on the part that says,



Watch this video and pay attention to the part that talks about repenting.

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Do you remember what the video said about King David’s prayer after he realized he had done something wrong? Who is the tallest person in the room? Quick! Measure each other! Have the winner read David’s words from Psalm 51:1-2



Even though David had done some really bad things, God forgave him when David repented.


That means David turned away from doing bad things and asked God to help him begin to do what was right.


God will forgive you and me, too.


When we realize that we have done something wrong, something that hurts ourselves or others, we can stop and admit what we have done to God. God promises to forgive us and to help us start over.


But God also wants us to forgive others when they hurt us.


God knows that holding on to our anger and unforgiveness hurts us, but He also wants us to be safe. Talk to an adult you trust when someone hurts you, with their fists, or with their words, or in any other way. You deserve to be safe! When you are ready, you can pray for the person who hurt you and ask God to help you forgive that person. He WILL help you!


God is always with us and will always love us!


Let’s sing one of our favorite songs together!


My Lighthouse

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We praise God for His love and His presence with us every day. Even is scary times—or on stormy seas, we know that He will bring us safely to shore!