We are almost finished going through the Lord’s Prayer.


This week we have some special guests to lead us in prayer!


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Today we are focusing on the part that says,



So what is temptation?


Watch this video to find out!


Kids and chocolate cake:

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Did you notice how the girls helped each other to avoid temptation? What did most of the boys do? But what happened after one boy decided to get very close to the cake?


That was pretty funny! I don’t think I’d want to eat any of the boys’ cake. What do you think?


We are all tempted by lots of different things every day!


Some temptations are fun things like chocolate cake. Other temptations might be things like wanting to take something that belongs to your brother or wanting to keep playing on the X-box when mom or dad already told you that you were done for the day. And when we do something that we know is wrong, we are usually tempted to do even more wrong things by lying about or trying to hide what we did.


But feeling tempted isn’t good OR bad.


It’s just a feeling. And YOU get to choose what you will do with that feeling. You can choose to give in to the temptation and do something you know is wrong or not good for you OR you can choose to ask God to help you and do what you know is right and good.


That is what Jesus told us to do—ask God to lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil.


And God loves to hear and answer our prayers because He loves us so much! He wants us to enjoy life with Him. Let’s sing about God’s love for us. You can sing along or just listen as you pray the words of this song.


Dancing to the Beat of Your Love:

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But what about that cake?


Do you think the kids ever got to eat the cake? I do! Enjoying good things isn’t wrong. We just need to do it at the right time!


Here’s a video about making a chocolate cake that you could try! Ask your parents about when you could make and eat a cake together.


Making cake:

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Have a great week!

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