Here are some interesting creatures!


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Which fish did you like best?


Fish can be pretty awesome! There were 153 of them in our Bible story today! Jim, Nancy, Tyler, Tristan, and Sam Hicks made a video of our story. Check it out!


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Peter and his friends were fishermen before they started following Jesus. That was how they earned money! What are some things Jesus did in this story? Why do you think He did these things?


In the last couple of weeks, we’ve learned that Jesus loves us all the time, even when we are scared and when we are not sure what we believe about Him or have lots of questions. What did you learn about Jesus’ love in the story today?


These are the words at the beginning of one of the songs that we have been learning about Jesus’ love.


Your love is deep, deeper than my fears, it’s wide, wider than my doubts, it’s all that I will ever need. Your love high, higher than my hopes, it’s strong, stronger than my past, it’s all that I will ever need.


Let’s sing along with this song!


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Jesus’ love is always with us, helping and guiding us in every situation. And when we pay attention to His love, we will be able to dance to the beat of His love and let the whole world share in His love!


Try one of these activities with your family:


Echoes of Love

When we show love to others, it’s like we are making an echo of God’s love for us. List some actions that show love to others. Go outside and see if you can make an echo as you shout out “God loves you!” Then choose one of the actions you listed to do this week.


Transforming Love

Draw a picture of yourself. As you draw, think about the things you are good at and what you really like about yourself. Then add to your picture, showing you doing something that shows love to others.


Now it is time to dance to the beat of God’s love!


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3 Responses

  1. This was a good children’s message. I thought Sam did a great job as Jesus. The last song “Beat of Your Love” was great. Was it filmed somewhere in Africa?

    1. Yes, “Beat of Your Love” was performed by the Watoto Children’s Choir in Uganda. They have a bunch of awesome songs and videos! You can find more of their music by searching YouTube.