Have you ever had mixed up feelings?


Like feeling excited and scared at the same time? Or feeling sad and proud? That’s how I’ve been feeling! I’ve been sad about people who are sick, afraid, and angry, but also proud to see stories of people helping and protecting others and trying to do what is right and loving the way that Jesus loves.


When things feel mixed up, it is good to remember that God’s Spirit is always with us and will help us, even when scary things like storms happen around us. Let’s sing about that.


My Lighthouse:


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But how do we know that God’s Spirit is always with us?


Listen to the kids in this video to find out!


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Talk with your family:


What do you believe?


The story doesn’t end there because God keeps on telling His story of love for all people through each one of us. We take part in telling His story when we let the Holy Spirit show in our lives. He shows up through these things described in Galatians 5:22-23.


Galatians 5:22-23

But the Holy Spirit produces this kind of fruit in our lives: love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control. There is no law against these things!


Talk with your family:


What are some ways we can do actions that show the fruit of the Spirit in us this week?


The sad things I have seen this week make me want to pray for and show peace. Will you join me in praying for and showing peace by listening to this song and then talking about ways to extend peace to others?


The Blessing Kids:


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Family Project Time!

Choose one of these things to do:


Make a sign for your yard that tells your neighbors that you love them.

Write a thank you letter to the people who work at the hospital closest to your housed.

Draw a picture for your mail delivery person.