Can you make a bridge?


You can if you have from craft sticks! Watch this video and see if you can make a bridge this way.


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A bridge can be a symbol of bringing two sides together when something divides them. What sort of things divide people?


Let’s try another way to bring things together. Watch this experiment.

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When people take sides and refuse to come together to solve their differences, we are called, like Jesus, to be peacemakers who break down those differences and bring people together again.


When are some times you or someone you know has been a peacemaker?


Paul wrote in a letter to the Christians in Corinth:



How can you share Jesus’ message of peace with the people around you this week?


Pray together this prayer for peace:


Lead us… from death to life
… from falsehood to truth
… from despair to hope
… from fear to trust
… from hate to love
… from war to peace.
Let peace fill… our heart
… our world
… our universe.


When we choose to live like Jesus and follow Him, we can bring peace and joy to others in everything we do! Let’s jump up and sing about that!


Every Move I Make

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Have a wonderful week as you bring peace to others!