I was naturally drawn to the piano when I was around 7 years old.  Songs I’d hear on my parents’ stereo intrigued me, and I sounded out some of the melodies.


The coolest thing was to duplicate compelling melodies by ear.  A little time with that and I was hooked.  Lessons started the next year, and my course was set!


As I look back, I realize that so many personal connections and relationships stemmed from my first church job. The choir director encouraged me to take organ lessons, and through my teacher I met people who significantly impacted my life.


I have to believe that God was guiding me to these people, steering the course of my life toward musical endeavors I had never dreamed of…


I believe the act of singing in church is something we may take for granted.


It took me a long time to discern the difference between singing and worshiping.


They should go hand in hand, but I’ve found that there is a distinction between the two.


As the contemporary Christian pop genre began to emerge, worship songs began to compete with the standard hymns.  Then it became a game of…

All of a sudden, I felt I had missed years of really worshiping God from my heart.   Probably a natural result from my accompanying others all that time.


In my daily life, I get to express music in various ways.  I feel very fortunate that I have the privilege of playing and teaching music, while leading others in worship.  As long as I’m alive, I pray that God continues to steer my course, allowing me to grow musically and spiritually.