On September 15th, for the first time in a long time, our church gathered and celebrated in a big way. Over 150 people came together for…


A giant Family Potluck complete with casseroles!


When Session voted for chairs, their vision for the Sanctuary and Fellowship Hall came true on this night.  The flexibility the chairs provide allowed us to set up the space to allow for a beautiful dinner, wonderful conversations and real connections among our congregation.



Members new and old shared stories and reminisced over photographs and laughed at the evening’s entertainment.



Our youth tried their hand at some egg roulette, finding which were hard-boiled and which were not using their heads to test the shells.



We had a Dance competition! The Twist, Sprinkler, Floss, Ballet, Robot, Macarana and more were all represented.




Not a single child (or adult) will forget the food and glorious dessert table!



We were so blessed by the hands that made the food and also stayed to help! The Fellowship Hall was fully cleaned up and reset up for Sunday worship as a Sanctuary in just 30 minutes.


When should we do it again? What would you like to see there?


I, for one, can’t wait to gather with you all again very soon!

5 Responses

  1. Such a fun evening! Looking forward to more events like it now that we have chairs we can easily move around. Thank you session for moving forward with getting the chairs. Change is hard but oh so worth it!

  2. The pictures are great and show the joy all experienced. My brother’s sudden death took me to Michigan so I will be eager for a repeat event. The chairs have brought us some new blessings ❤️❤️Nancy Lyon

  3. Nancy, sorry to hear about your brother! I’m so sorry about your loss! We look forward to doing it again and having you join in the fun <3

  4. Such a fun night of food and fellowship! It was great to see so many people pitching in with set-up and clean-up! We have an amazing church! Love the new chairs👏❤️ Lauren