Let’s jump up and dance and sing along!


Love the Lord Your God song

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The words of this song come straight from the Bible!



Watch this video to find out what happened next!


Hicks family video

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What do you think? The priest and the levite probably cared about the man. They might have felt very concerned about him, but did they help him?



Our actions are the things that matter! Our feelings are important, but what we do can either help or hurt other people. It’s actions that make all the difference!


The Samaritan man helped in several ways: he gave his time, first aid, and shelter; and he even gave money to care for the man.


Think of a person or a group of people who need help in our world today. Ms Stacy has a song for us to learn. Once you learn the song, you can sing it as a prayer for the person or group of people you thought of.


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Praying for others is the first step. When we pray for others, we pay attention to what God thinks about that person. Then He wants to help us find good ways to take actions to help.


Now it’s family project time! Choose a way to help and make it happen!


Here are some links with different ideas of ways to help others. Post a comment with other ideas you have!




20 Ways Kids and Teens Can Help Others During Coronavirus Outbreak



Black lives matter.

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